Mohsen Namjoo
I'm not a traditional music expert of course and even if his 3-tar goes a little out of tune I may not realized it. But what I see is a controversial artist who doesn't mind breaking the rules and traditions if it's necessary. Most Iranian artists don't like to digress or jump from one poem to another one but he mixes poems of Shamlou with Sa'adi and adds some of his own words to the who thing if it feels good. He screams, shouts or changes his tone to a girlish voice and doesn't mind people laughing at him. Growing up in Iran during the last thirty years, Mohsen Namjoo owes his fame to a society of double standards, pretentiousnesses, confusions, disappointments, and superfacialities. His art is to put all his feelings about this society in lyrics and songs.
I don't know if you like this guy or hate him (I haven't seen any one who doesn't mind him, it's either love or hate!) but he is a good artist who was missing from our generation for a while. He is not a pretender nor wants to make a revolution in the persian music; he is just himself and that's sometimes all people want from an artist.
If you go to his concert next time, make sure you buy his CDs