Monday, December 8, 2008

Post secrets

Post secrets is a community serving people who like to share their secrets anonymously. I check its blog every. You need to check it out too. See the favorite blogs in the sidebar on the left.
This is an email apparently by a homosexual, taken from Post Secrets blog this week:
I hate how everyone thinks that all homosexuals are wonderful, strong human beings, and that's why we're fighting for their rights. The truth is that we're assholes and drug addicts and charity workers and Sunday school teachers just like the rest of you.

Funny, ha?! :)

U.S. economy and Government's Nostradamus agency!

U.S is in serious economical trouble. The problem doesn’t seem to solve in a year or two because the beloved Obama is not a magician! He can’t even bring the troops home as he promised. What he does is making peace with politician who even hurt his image during the election. There was this article published by NIA (national intelligence agency or something like that) predicting changes in the world till 2025. It emphasized that the is based research and is not a Nostradamus prophecy!

The article mentioned interesting points:

· America’s power in the world will decline due to its own internal problems.

· Global warming results in exploring more oil in the North Pole which is great for Russia and Canada.

· Russia will become more powerful but the corruption in its government doesn’t let the power to spread that much.

· If Iranian regime gives up its autocracy it will become the more powerful in the region (surprisingly!!)

My Concern is mostly about the economy. When I see gas prices decrease everyday I become more frightened. It shows how awful the economy is. Manufacturing industry itself has lost 600,000 jobs last year!

Sometimes I think people like me who have just started their career in the U.S are very unlucky. Then I think recent graduates are more unlucky that we are. Then I think people who have established lives i.e. family, house, etc. are suffering more. Imagine, you have bought a house for 400,000 three years ago. Now, your house worth 300,000 and you are still paying mortgage based on the initial price. Add to this the fear of losing your job.

Then I feel a little lucky again, Amen!!