I've been working on a new song for a while. I have the lyrics and the idea but they don't match. Whatever I do doesn't matter. I change the drums, massage the lyrics to make it more rock-like but it doesn't work. I even left it for a while to see if anything new came along, a new idea, a new ingredient , something that made the whole project different. The song is good right now but I expect more.
Sometime I think that's because I listen to so many kinds of music. It makes a chaos of your musical ideas. That's all because I love to listen to music and since I have listened to all songs that I really loved, I've started listening to some new styles. Take trip-hop for instance. Two weeks ago I picked up a free music magazine from a boutique in Costa Mesa. I was waiting for my sister to try on some clothes that the magazine's cover caught my eyes. There was a picture of the band "Portishead"(pronounce" Portis-head", it took me a Google search to find the right pronunciation!). I didn't actually read their interview which was the main part of the magazine but their unique look remained in my head. After a week I ran into their name in one of my friend's profile in facebook. So, I became curious. Since the curiosity was not that high I decided to find more about them at work to waste while I'm sneakingly surf the net.
And again the same old story. I liked the music, I listened to their songs for about a week permanently and the chaos happened again. Now, I can't make music anymore. I'm fascinated with their style which is far from my taste. 'Guess I need to give my mind a time-out to get rid of the impression. I even arranged this new song in a trip-hop-like style but I don't like it either. Anyways, I need to stop for now. But don't forget: their music is goooo0d!
By the way, I found some new bands here. I'm gonna see them tomorrow. Hopefully I find a good band these days to jam with. It's really hard to compose on your own. There's always something missing or unsatisfying.
You know what I'm gonna do now? I'm going to leave this music project and read the new book I bought recently. I'm gonna sit out side that coffee shop and enjoy the California's sunshine while I'm reading. You think I'm spoiled, O.K, I'm spoiled, so what?
P.S. the book is an engineering textbook!
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