Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Camel, Rajaz

I have been away and was looking for a good funny post subject but nothing seems funny these days. Politics and economy have fed people up including me. Anyways, yesterday I was looking into my music archive where I found Camel’s 1999 album named “Rajaz”. Rajaz is an Arabic noun meaning cry out desperately as a result of misery (That's why I shouldn't be a translator!)
Camel’s music is all about nostalgia with great guitar, keyboards and Indian Flute solos. No trash technical solo, like that of Dream theater (They look at their instrument as a finger exercise machine!) but soft and melodic like nostalgia itself. Even the names of the albums are nostalgic: Stationary Traveler, Dust and dreams, Mirage, Harbor of tears and Moonmadness.
Rajaz , my favorite album, can be considered as Andy Latimer, the singer and guitarist, solo album rather than a Camel project. There are less colorful keyboards and more minimalism involved.
Unfortunately, Andy is being treated for cancer but the good news is that he is doing well. I hope he goes back on stage again so that I can see Camel once in my life.
I don't know what the heck this video is all about. Just ignore the family pictures and listen to the song itself! Beautiful lyrics and melodies. Enjoy :)