These technicians are defusing land mines in south west of Iran. The battle ground of the war between Iraq and Iran about 25 years ago. When Iraqis under Saddam's leadership invaded Iran with the aim of occupancy. These are American and European mines that killed thousands of people so that almost every street of Iran is named after them.
Lots of those Iraqi soldiers are still alive and no one even blames them. They say it was all Saddam's fault. They say we have suffered enough.
Did Saddam invaded my country himself? Did he place hundred thousands of these land mines alone? Land mines that are still hungry for blood and death after twenty five years?
I remember the nights of bombardments. When the warning alarm from TV and Radio was echoing the voice of angel of death. When you were waiting for your time to come in the darkness of the basement. When every window had a crossed tape on it so that the sounds of explosions don’t break the glass inside. When soldiers were sacrificing themselves by lying down on these mines to make a route for the troop behind.
God bless all of them and remember: There are things that can not be forgiven ever.
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